mardi 31 juillet 2007

Aujourd'hui c'est Aarhus...

So.... This my friend is the end...of my trip around Denmark. I've finally arrived in Aarhus, intent to settle in and live there for the next 10 or so months. My first glimpses of Aarhus were not all that good : our hotel is in Viby (a northern part of Aarhus): far from the uni, my home, or Ikea! The hotel in himself is quite weird : big rooms, awfull bathroom and we have to pay for Internet... A good internet connection was not halas enough for me to get Sytpek working correctly (one day I hope?).

My flat is in a Residence Hall 6,3 km far from the Uni, built in 1973. I haven't been in my room yet (haven't got my key) but I've walked around a bit, and the Residence seems ok (big lawns, bbqs...) but there is nothing around it (except for 2 buses, but they do not operate correctly in August grrrrr).

The university in itself looks great, and so does the center of the city (at least the part they call here "Latin Quarter"). They do seem to ape a little the French (as seen on the photo)...

We haven't manage to get me a danish phone yesterday : I hope we'll manage today!
Today is a busy day, inscription, bicycle, moving in...may I live through it (lol).

Before arriving in Aarhus yesterday, we went to visit a partially rebuilt viking village and fortress ; very nice, but it dawned on us that Danish flags (that I find really nice) is never, ever coupled with the EU flag : I haven't seen one of them since coming here. mmmm not very european...

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